DVE Director's Cut 2 gives you over 50 Multi-themed transitions and color wipes/overlays for VT[5], SpeedEDIT and all TriCaster models. It's all here Honda's, Space Ships, Trucks, Hot Rods, Aliens, Sports, Car Crash, Crosses and Angel wipes. Over 50 Effects to choose from in full product.
Many DVEs have Wipe and Overlay versions included. Please download six free effects from the package (TriCaster version) to try on your system. Effects include fully animated and still previews just like NewTek wipes. Place it in your project, experiment and enjoy.

Rozzie Wells™ - DVE Director's Cut 2 Product Representative
Final Cut Studio 3 version
Over 50 Real-time Broadcast Quality Multi-Themed (DVEs) on DVD-ROM.
Over 50 Effects to choose from. Many DVEs have Wipe and Overlay versions included.
Aim High with your TriCaster. DVE Directors Cut 2 gives you over 50 themed transitions and color wipes for VT[5]*, SpeedEDIT & all TriCaster models. We have included several effects from many of our new and soon to be released DVE collections including the following.
Please click below to download five effects from the package:
Coming Soon!
List of Some Effects
1. 1. MusicFX - Including but not limited to Mike, Chord, Symphony, Note, Piano, Sing, Harmony and many more. A total of 10 effects from this collection are included.
2. Military & Aircraft FX - Including but not limited to F-14, Hele, A-10, Fighter, F-18, Tank and more. A total of 14 effects from this collection are included.
3. ReligiousFX - Including but not limited to Angel, Buddha, Chalice, Cross and more. A total of 10 effects from this collection are included.
4. Sci-Fi FX - Including but not limited to Alien Baby, Solar Sail, Combat Ship, Alien Bot and many more. A total of 10 effects from this collection are included.
5. CarFX - Including but not limited to Mustang, Smart Car, Car Crash and more. A total of 10 effects are included.
6. SportsFX Bonus - We are also including some bonus effects from our award winning SportsFX package.
- Windows
- Video Toaster [2]
- VT[5]
- TriCaster
VT PCI card with version [2]/[3]/[4]/[5] software.
Pentium 4, Xenon Multicore, Intel Core 2 Duo or Athlon XP based computer system.
512 Megabytes of RAM.
About 1 Gigabyte of space free on your hard disk if you install complete package.
Windows XP/7/10.
DVD-ROM Drive.
VT PCI card with version [2]/[3]/[4]/[5] software.
Pentium 4, Xenon Multicore, Intel Core 2 Duo or Athlon XP based computer system.
512 Megabytes of RAM.
About 1 Gigabyte of space free on your hard disk if you install complete package.
Windows XP/7/10.
DVD-ROM Drive.
VT PCI card with version [2]/[3]/[4]/[5] software.
Pentium 4, Xenon Multicore, Intel Core 2 Duo or Athlon XP based computer system.
512 Megabytes of RAM.
About 1 Gigabyte of space free on your hard disk if you install complete package.
Windows XP/7/10.
DVD-ROM Drive.
TriCaster (Any Standard Definition Model) with Keyboard / Mouse.
Available USB 2.0 slot.
About 1 Gigabyte of space free on your hard disk if you install complete package.