Q: What ever happened to Project Metropolis?
A: Because of family medical issues in 2012 the project was cancelled. The good news in 2016 is that the Amiga market has Cloud based store fronts from other vendors including the one Project Metropolis was based on. Please purchase applications from AmiStore and other online store front solutions. The rest of the FAQ questions will remain on this site for historical purposes.

Q: Why make a Cloud Based Application Store for Amiga OS, MorphOS & AROS?
A: The Amiga market in the 21st century has split into different choices for different customer needs. Competition is a good thing and breeds innovation but it has been difficult to grow the market for new commercial applications since they are spread out over multiple sites and many sites go 404 due to great programmers not being great marketers, then losing interest.

Q: Were 3rd party developers informed about Project Metropolis before the launch?
A: No, with the exception of Orson Wells no one outside of DiscreetFX knew about the Project. Developers found out the same time everyone else did. Our friends over at Amiga Round Table did not even know and gave us fifty lashes, Ouch!

Q: What will be the requirements and the minimum spec for Project Metropolis?
A: That depends on each application and the requirements the developer has set.

Q: Why should we trust you guys with a Application Store? You have been promising Aladdin 4D 6.0 for over 1000 years!
A: The Aladdin 4D acquisition was not our finest moment, we admit that. A full code review was not done and we were told it would be very easy to make Multi-Platform. Thousands and thousands of hours have gone into the development of Aladdin 4D 6.0 but like a fine wine, we will not sell it before its time. Project Metropolis will primarily be applications from 3rd Party developers so Aladdin 4D has nothing to do with it besides being in the store like many other App's.

Q: Why do developers have to pay $29.95?
A: Project Metropolis is a commercial venture and has costs. Developers wishing to make freeware should use Aminet instead. $29.95 is only for a limited time. Membership will increase in price soon and will only be sold in one year increments instead of three. Of course no developer is required to join Project Metropolis and can go on selling their application(s) all alone. They might get lonely selling it that way though. Membership also includes the following things listed below.
1. FTP access to upload your application once complete.
2. Ad space on the DiscreetFX web site.
3. Marketing by DiscreetFX is also included depending on the App.

Q: Is Project Metropolis fully rolled out?
A: Nope, your feedback is of course always welcome and we use it to improve.

Q: Is Project Metropolis only for Amiga OS, MorphOS & AROS.
A: It may launch for one or more video editing platforms at some point in the future.

Q: Have any developers contacted you about the Project?
A: Several developers have already contacted us wanting to join Project Metropolis.
Q: Will there be a separate Project Metropolis App or just a web site?
A: An Application Store App is a must and will be available for AmigaOS, MorphOS & AROS.
Q: Since they make up the bulk of available software, why is there no Classic Amiga games and applications in the Project Metropolis Store.
A: We are in contact with several Amiga Classic Software Developers. Most of this software is pretty old and the IP has changed digital hands several times. We have several titles that should be making there way into the Application Store soon. Cutting deals with Classic developers just takes time.
Q: Why do you charge so much to join Project Metropolis? Amiga/AROS/MorphOS coders are hobbie programmers and can't afford $29.96 per year.
Membership is not available at this time.
Q: Is Project Metropolis Jack?
A: Project Metropolis is nothing more than Jack with DiscreetFX branding and marketing.